the purpose of my blogging was supposedly to let other people get to know who I really am, the way I know myself. It's been 3 years since I've started blogging and I haven't been able to finish the post which should have been the very 1st one: "Why I Am Who I Am"
This isn't even that post, yet. Why the long delay? I've gotten through a few drafts these past years and I haven't followed through because It either was too long or too boring, usually a combination of both.
I guess I'll just have to accept the fact that there's really no big event that took place that lead me in this direction. Who I am now was not a result of a dramatic incident. And my life really isn't that exciting.
But I'll try (maybe successfully this time) to actually post the things on my mind. Let's hope that the transition from though to written words will be as smooth as possible.