Eastwood@8/30/2005 8:30AMToday was the first time ever that I went to a venue to apply for a job. It's a late start but that's what I get for going into medicine. It wasn't a bad experience but I realized how difficult it is to find a job that you actually enjoy doing.
There were 15 of us today applying for the Medical Transcriptionist position. Most of them were already employed but were just looking for something better. There was a nurse from Medical City, 2 medical transcriptionists from other companies, an email service representative and others. Many of them spent the night at their various jobs and just proceeded to Eastwood to take the job examinations.
At the end of the day, after the English majors' exams, there were just 4 of us - the nurse, the email customer representative, someone who brought her mother along, and me. Who knows who will be hired.
I am starting to deal with the 'real' world and leave behind my carefree days (It's about time). Like everyone just beginning, I'm full of optimism. This could be the start of something big!
(Then I remembered the upcoming Board results!)