Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Water Rationing

water supply has been going from poor to bad for the past few days. The local water company blames the lack of rain AND the fact that 56% of their supply is wasted because of leaks and illegal connections.

They knew about the problem years ago.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


It actually is a welcome break - this loss of electricity. I'm forced just to lay down and relax. If my cellphone batt gives... Then I'll be pissed :D

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

World of Warcraft

In case you've been wondering why I've been so silent, it's because I've been swallowed by the World of Warcraft. It's an ongoing experiment in sleep deprivation also.

The only stories I have to tell right now is how my priestess is struggling to move up in a world where tanks don't appreciate her.



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